“In a world darkened by ethnic conflicts that tear nations apart, Canada stands as a model of how people of different cultures can live and work together in peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.” – Bill Clinton
The Cause Is What Is Important
The story dominating headlines early this week in Canadian politics was Liberal MP Justin Trudeau’s victory in the boxing ring. Proving the odds makers wrong he beat up a younger perceived “stronger” opponent in Senator Patrick Brazeau. Justin had no need to rope-a-dope, as I had assumed might be his strategy. Instead the match was settled by a TKO in the 3rd round. Although the showmanship and games grabbed the headlines the cause it was for was very important.
The boxing match between Trudeau and Brazeau started to make me think about what we are fighting for as a country. As individuals we all have our own unique interest, motivations, influences, dreams and ambitions that we fight for. We work towards our dreams because we were taught by our parents, mentors and heroes that our dreams could and would come true and to not let anyone stand in our way. From a political observer’s position this logic is clearly something that has been a rallying point amongst the Conservative Party of Canada. In 2011, after several minority parliaments, Canadians decided to elect what they were told was going to be a “a strong, majority, conservative, government” that would lead us through the economic crisis. Continue reading