With every negative so comes a positive, this is the universal law of nature and can’t be thwarted. Coming to terms with this reality is extremely important and something that I’ve taken a great deal of time to research, understand and implement within my own life a system and lifestyle that embodies this sort of balance.
Having vision without purpose you are just a boat tossing in the sea however with Determination, Motivation and Focus you can create and cast your sail to discover wherever your heart leads. The case load of work I have is extensive and only recently have had the time to work through many of the files because of my travels the last 3-5 years however with a more solid foundation and credibility behind me I’m looking forward to getting through and addressing each one. I’ve categorized my GTD (Get Things Done) list into 5 categories for simplicity (Legal, Business, Non-Profit, Personal, and Government). When these files are updated the real fun and adventure can start, however until then I’ll make my way through each one. Before you can explore the world, you must first build your wings with personal development so that you may fly safely to your destination.
[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSnD30bcAS8″]
I really believe the following Jim Rohn quote below embodies the future of Personal Development and Mental Health, it strikes a great balance between self-reliance and mutual co-operation something we surely could use a lot more of.