The Future of Personal Development

With every negative so comes a positive, this is the universal law of nature and can’t be thwarted. Coming to terms with this reality is extremely important and something that I’ve taken a great deal of time to research, understand and implement within my own life a system and lifestyle that embodies this sort of balance. 


Having vision without purpose you are just a boat tossing in the sea however with Determination, Motivation and Focus you can create and cast your sail to discover wherever your heart leads. The case load of work I have is extensive and only recently have had the time to work through many of the files because of my travels the last 3-5 years  however with a more solid foundation and credibility behind me I’m looking forward to getting through and addressing each one. I’ve categorized my GTD (Get Things Done) list into 5 categories for simplicity (Legal, Business, Non-Profit, Personal, and Government). When these files are updated the real fun and adventure can start, however until then I’ll make my way through each one. Before you can explore the world, you must first build your wings with personal development so that you may fly safely to your destination.  

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I really believe the following  Jim Rohn quote below embodies the future of Personal Development and Mental Health, it strikes a great balance between self-reliance and mutual co-operation something we surely could use a lot more of. 


Northern Alberta: Beyond Blood & Oil


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It’s approaching a year since returning from Northern Alberta, reflecting back to what impressed me the most about the province was the sheer vast amount of open space and land. There are no shortages of socio-economic challenges in the region but that is the case anywhere cities are not immune to homelessness, drug abuse and people living in shelters. I can’t help but smile reflecting on how great the experience was to be around so many honest and hardworking people, raising families, living life and doing whatever it takes to survive and thrive specially in what can be at times an unforgiving landscape. I had an old Truck, affectionately named “Old Red”, my dog, love a goal and purpose. This July 2016 will be the anniversary date and I’ll be eligible to complete my Red Seal had I gone the same route in Ontario it wouldn’t be possible until maybe July 2019. 


Photo: Taken outside Reed Energy work shop,working as a safety watch because it was a confined space, the welder was fixing a flange inside the tank, pictured in the back and Old Red, 96 Single Cab Ford F-150 in the front.

It wasn’t until his passing that I learned why my grandfathers nickname as a young man was “Hank”, his friends called him that because of his secret love of Country Music, Hank Williams was  a legend for many I don’t know his music but he’s in the Hall of Fame for a reason I suppose. Now don’t get my wrong, my grandfather loved good Soul, R&B, Blues and Jazz grew up with it, he also ran a night club that played it all the time however he did have a soft spot for country tunes. As a kid sitting in the passenger side of his car I can recall when News Talk Radio wasn’t playing  he would be humming the melody to a country song., maybe it was at that time my affection and soft spot for the slow country lifestyle began. Although camping and cottaging was something I enjoyed, this type of country living of the north was blue collar hardworking and resonated with me and many others  across Canada, and really throughout the world.    Continue reading

Supporting JaBig’s Journey

Since 2011 when I discovered DJ JaBig he’s been playing some of the soundtracks to my life. Mostly during the working hours of the day or deep into the evening his range of musical taste matches mine during the softer times when one’s imagination and writing flow needs space to grow. It wasn’t until recently that I learned just how cool and adventurous he really was. Currently he is riding his bike across Canada,  playing DJ gigs and sharing his love of music. Recently Shia LaBeouf made the news for standing in an elevator for 24 hours, although I think he’s a legit good actor his “stunt” is no match in terms of Art & Life than this journey and Guinness World Record being attempt by Canadian JaBig.  To learn more about him and his journey click map image below or visit

Photo Credit: Magda M

Photo Credit: Magda M

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His  Youtube channel has well over 300,000 subscribers, and his classical/house mixes at times range from 50,000 views to well over 2,000,000  in today’s digital age where contributions and connections are made through the web just as easily as in person I think JaBig is a tremendous asset to the world, the fact we share a flag as fellow Canadians is a bonus and should give us all a sense of pride. #JaBigJourney

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House of Cards

I like Suits, House of Lies, The Goodwife, eagerly anticipating my friends Sonja O’Hara & Jaspal Binning latest project Official: Doomsday and haven’t watched Blood & Oil  yet but it’s high on the list. However House of Cards  still remains my favorite show right now, next to Boss it is the best modern political drama of the last decade. 

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