Ontario Central Focused

Ontario has always been my home and remains. I’ve been fortunate to also have deep Atlantic Canadian roots and Western Canada experiences. I’ve been exposed to various cultures and environments in Canada for so long it has no doubt shaped my adventurous spirit. In 1995 passing the welcome to Mississauga sign when moving from Toronto with my brothers and mother I recall seeing the population sign say 350,000. As of this year in 2018 Mississauga is peaking towards 1 million. The GTHA has grown significantly the last 20 years with no change of pace expected, this extends to the Waterloo Region as well, a place I equally feel and call home. 

I’m not an economist, politician or public policy professional however I’m an aware engaged private citizen. This upcoming Ontario provincial election will have a lasting impact on the policy direction on not only where Ontario is headed in the future but potentially Canada as a whole with the federal election coming up in 2019. All eyes will be on Ontario the next few weeks as the new government forms and people take to the polls. Some will care, many will not, however the results will make an impact direct or indirect on everyone’s wallets. 

Debt when properly used as a financial instrument of leverage allows our country and economy to expand at great lengths. Financing student, vehicle, consumer purchases, and housing. Debt is a tool of financial freedom and flexibility, however when mismanaged or abused it can have extreme negative consequences and become a prison. I think it is very prudent and responsible that before leveraging our future cost anymore collectively as a province and country we don’t abandon our principals of fiscal responsibility. The same responsibility that is placed on every home and individuals budget should be shared for those who govern. If Ontario’s Auditor General’s calculations are accurate we really do need to reflect and re-consider the direction we’re going and how will get back to balance or if that is something that is even valued anymore. 

A Healthy Creative Mind

Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich has been a blue print of success for countless generations. I recall being introduced to it several years ago by my mentor Issac Goodine the same person who introduced me to the author James Allen and his book As A Man Thinkith, a publication I specifically give a lot of credit for helping me to overcome an intense emotional and personal setback while training working alone in Alberta in 2014.

I often repeat “Self Control is Strength, Right Thought is Mastery, Calmness is Power”.  That is the ending passage of  As A Man Thinkith that resonates deeply within me, such a simple passage with deep meaning. Internal Strength, Mastery and Power comes from Self Control, Right Thought and Calmness these are characteristics I pride myself on having but at times with anything in life, sometimes waiver. 

Sometimes during challenging or difficult life scenarios we often use our rational minds instead of feeling our way through the situation. However this strategy can lead to a betrayal of ones internal truth because the thinking is centered around the ego. The more you use your analytical mind to try and overcome situations or rationalize a decision the more fear based and negative emotions have a feeding ground to fester.  

As a creative I’m constantly influenced by my environment I’m inspired by many things however nature, people and enlightened conversations always light a spark. Kayne West recent interview with “Charlamagne Tha God” was very interesting because it was an inside look at a creative during a time of transition. Although most media outlets have focused on his political position and comments about slavery I was more interested in his mental health rehabilitation and recovery and how it’s rejuvenated his prospective. The quote below I think was one of the most important and personally relevant so I thought it would be worth sharing. 

Kayne West Quote – Interview With “Charlamagne Tha God”

“When you want to express yourself sometimes words can get in the way. Just this innate feeling that we have, when someone’s trying to talk you into something, and you’re like look, this just don’t feel right. Get out of your head, go from your gut, that’s what I’m big on, stop strategizing so much and stop setting so many plays. Stop doing so many things based on fear, the universe will assist you when you’re acting in love. When you’re acting out of love it’s as if one drop of water and the ocean is your army, when you act out of fear it’s just you alone and your money.”

“Bravery is more important than perfection.”

– Kayne West 


Finding a Way: 10 Years Later

Jerome Downey (St. FX vs. MTA Homecoming , 2007)

Arriving At Mount Allison

In September of 2003 my life changed forever it was the first time I arrived at Mount Allison University officially as a student athlete. I remember it just like yesterday it was a hot clear sunny afternoon my grandparents drove me from Halifax, NS to the small town of Sackville, NB just a 10 minute drive from the provincial border far enough to be away close enough to visit home.

Along with many new rookies and experienced veterans we all arrived on campus a few days before the rest of the students because training camp was starting and we had to prepare for the season ahead. Earlier in July that summer I suffered a season ending injury tearing my left Achilles in the bronze medal game vs. Team Ontario while playing for Team Nova Scotia at the Canadian 19-Under National Football Championships in Ottawa, ON. Arriving on campus in a walking boot knowing I wouldn’t’ be able to play my first year was difficult as a scholarship athlete recipient I wanted to prove myself worthy.

The Recruitment

When being recruited to Mount Alison the Head Coach at the time was Scott Fawcett, during a home visit he brought a legendary player with him named Derrick Furry a Linebacker who played the same position as me. He was tough as nails and could hit hard as a hammer a CFL draft pick I respected him a lot. The motto going into the 2003 season was “Find A Way”, coach was perfectly aware of the challenge Mount Allison faced when competing for talent with other bigger schools across Canada. With limited resources and recent success on the field the biggest highlight emphasized during his home recruitment visit was the academic excellence Mount Allison has always maintained. It was that high standard of accountability and academic excellence that swayed my decision to become a Mountie.

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The Future of Personal Development

With every negative so comes a positive, this is the universal law of nature and can’t be thwarted. Coming to terms with this reality is extremely important and something that I’ve taken a great deal of time to research, understand and implement within my own life a system and lifestyle that embodies this sort of balance. 


Having vision without purpose you are just a boat tossing in the sea however with Determination, Motivation and Focus you can create and cast your sail to discover wherever your heart leads. The case load of work I have is extensive and only recently have had the time to work through many of the files because of my travels the last 3-5 years  however with a more solid foundation and credibility behind me I’m looking forward to getting through and addressing each one. I’ve categorized my GTD (Get Things Done) list into 5 categories for simplicity (Legal, Business, Non-Profit, Personal, and Government). When these files are updated the real fun and adventure can start, however until then I’ll make my way through each one. Before you can explore the world, you must first build your wings with personal development so that you may fly safely to your destination.  

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSnD30bcAS8″]

I really believe the following  Jim Rohn quote below embodies the future of Personal Development and Mental Health, it strikes a great balance between self-reliance and mutual co-operation something we surely could use a lot more of. 


Northern Alberta: Beyond Blood & Oil


[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPuhM_AJ8B8″]

It’s approaching a year since returning from Northern Alberta, reflecting back to what impressed me the most about the province was the sheer vast amount of open space and land. There are no shortages of socio-economic challenges in the region but that is the case anywhere cities are not immune to homelessness, drug abuse and people living in shelters. I can’t help but smile reflecting on how great the experience was to be around so many honest and hardworking people, raising families, living life and doing whatever it takes to survive and thrive specially in what can be at times an unforgiving landscape. I had an old Truck, affectionately named “Old Red”, my dog, love a goal and purpose. This July 2016 will be the anniversary date and I’ll be eligible to complete my Red Seal had I gone the same route in Ontario it wouldn’t be possible until maybe July 2019. 


Photo: Taken outside Reed Energy work shop,working as a safety watch because it was a confined space, the welder was fixing a flange inside the tank, pictured in the back and Old Red, 96 Single Cab Ford F-150 in the front.

It wasn’t until his passing that I learned why my grandfathers nickname as a young man was “Hank”, his friends called him that because of his secret love of Country Music, Hank Williams was  a legend for many I don’t know his music but he’s in the Hall of Fame for a reason I suppose. Now don’t get my wrong, my grandfather loved good Soul, R&B, Blues and Jazz grew up with it, he also ran a night club that played it all the time however he did have a soft spot for country tunes. As a kid sitting in the passenger side of his car I can recall when News Talk Radio wasn’t playing  he would be humming the melody to a country song., maybe it was at that time my affection and soft spot for the slow country lifestyle began. Although camping and cottaging was something I enjoyed, this type of country living of the north was blue collar hardworking and resonated with me and many others  across Canada, and really throughout the world.    Continue reading

Supporting JaBig’s Journey

Since 2011 when I discovered DJ JaBig he’s been playing some of the soundtracks to my life. Mostly during the working hours of the day or deep into the evening his range of musical taste matches mine during the softer times when one’s imagination and writing flow needs space to grow. It wasn’t until recently that I learned just how cool and adventurous he really was. Currently he is riding his bike across Canada,  playing DJ gigs and sharing his love of music. Recently Shia LaBeouf made the news for standing in an elevator for 24 hours, although I think he’s a legit good actor his “stunt” is no match in terms of Art & Life than this journey and Guinness World Record being attempt by Canadian JaBig.  To learn more about him and his journey click map image below or visit www.jabigjourney.com.

Photo Credit: Magda M https://www.facebook.com/Magdalena.M.Photographer

Photo Credit: Magda M

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvZOMRGdY1w”]


His  Youtube channel has well over 300,000 subscribers, and his classical/house mixes at times range from 50,000 views to well over 2,000,000  in today’s digital age where contributions and connections are made through the web just as easily as in person I think JaBig is a tremendous asset to the world, the fact we share a flag as fellow Canadians is a bonus and should give us all a sense of pride. #JaBigJourney

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmSYV5A9iuU”]

An Indigenous Canadian Journey

The Stage 

I’ve lived in 7 cities in the last 6 years pushing to discover and become the best version of myself. Looking inside my new Canadian Passports it shows the place of my birth as Toronto, ON however in my heart and mind it could simply just read Canada. As a child my heart came alive exploring the commons of Halifax playing baseball at the local YMCA,  summer day camp trips at the George Dixon Community Center and great memories on the football gridiron. The thrill of learning and challenging myself academically and athletically in the town of  Sackville, New Brunswick as an adolescence forever changed my life for the better. Then I moved back to Toronto before my passion took me to Ottawa, where I then embarked on a great journey west stopping in Grande Prairie, Edmonton and Fort McMurray Alberta to secure my future and seek opportunity like thousands of other Canadians in the energy sector.


Now as a young man at the age of 30 without an immediate family or independent of my own reflecting back on these travels from east to west, the people that have come in and out of my life the moments of pride, shame, glory and sadness one thing has never faded, the desire to keep learning and becoming better, they say to know where your going you need to know where your from and understanding Canada and what grew from the former Dominion of Canada has been a great motivation of mine, and reason why I’ve enrolled in Cape Brenton University’s innovative new online Mi’kmaq course, to learn more, as Plato told Socrates “Know Theyself”. As an indigenous Mi’kmaq Canadian, who is also a direct decent of a slave, French Canadian and indigenous Jamaican I’ve come full-circle in some respects by landing in the town of St. Catherine’s Ontario. A historic and famous town for many reasons, for me knowing that it was the central hub of Canadian operations for Harriet Tubman during the time of the underground rail road  is enough to give me a sense of pride and belonging, the same pride and belonging feeling  as Canadians we should be extending to Syrian Refugees fleeing a devastating in humane conflict.

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak1SlHjFBbU”]

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Beyond The “Political Message”

Recently, “Barack Obama made reference to Kanye West best known album:  My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy— Saying, that’s what’s known as being ‘”off-message”’ in politics, “you can’t say things like that. There are a lot of people who have lost their Congressional Caucus seats saying things like that.”  There is no doubt Obama is correct and his public response showed his legendary charm, tone and calm delivery and had everyone smiling. However beyond the obvious comedic element of the story there is a real question to ask,  where do we draw the line on what is politically and not politically correct in 2015. Donald Trumps current presidential run would make a great case study on the subject, when asked if he took exception to being compared to Hitler, his response was, he didn’t mind…..

 [youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5t5GnbQgCk”]

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Great Thought Leader: Wallace Wattles

His words are extremely powerful, simple and direct. James Allen and Wallace Wattles have a writing technique that is elegant in style but also straight forward and to the point. Teenagers who are curious about expanding there ideas on pursuing certain goals would be wise to take up these authors.

About Wallace Wattles The Success Manual Prosperity Library - The Wattles Prosperity Bible - The Law of Attraction Prosperity Bible - The Wattles Quotable Bible

Wallace Delois Wattles (/ˈwɑːtəlz/; 1860–1911) was an American author. A New Thought writer, he remains personally somewhat obscure,[1] but his writing has been widely quoted and remains in print in the New Thought and self-help movements. Wattles’ best known work is a 1910 book called The Science of Getting Rich in which he explained how to become wealthy.

Wattles’ daughter, Florence A. Wattles, described her father’s life in a “Letter” that was published shortly after his death in the New Thought magazine Nautilus, edited byElizabeth Towne. The Nautilus had previously carried articles by Wattles in almost every issue, and Towne was also his book publisher. Florence Wattles wrote that her father was born in the U.S. in 1860, received little formal education, and found himself excluded from the world of commerce and wealth.[2] Continue reading

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter is good for you

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphin’s, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphin’s promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.
  • For more Information on the benefits of laughter visit. www.helpguide.org