DMF Energy – 2018 Developments

April 8th, 2018

Each year brings forward new opportunity and promise however it is only through our actions that we are able to realize our potential. At the end of the first quarter of 2018 collectively with the support and encouragement of numerous friends, family and business associates I’ve completed the 5 year goal of building a sustainable business operations framework; with coverage across Canada secured we now have with the ability to scale into the United States and Caribbean markets. 

DMF Energy is a Alberta incorporated company that is extra-provincially registered in Ontario and Nova Scotia.

Business Verticals 

DMF Energy Inc. has 3 core business verticals General Contracting, Training Development and Piping Infrastructure. As a general contractor the company is responsible for the day-to-day operations and site management of building projects. Training development it is the retail distribution of online, print and in-class educational programs.

Piping infrastructure is the apprenticeship and journeyman certificate in the Steamfitter-Pipefitter trade held by me  as Director DMF Energy Inc. it is the backbone of our business. The occupation of Pipefitting Supervisor according to Canadian Business Magazine in 2017 was ranked the 4th best occupation in the country that’s an increase from the 26th ranking in 2013. 

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Canadian Supreme Court Chief Justice: Beverly McLachlin, PC

Beverly McLachlin, PC is the 17th Chief Justice of Canada has served our country with great honor and distinction for over three decades. Born and raised in Pincher Creek, Alberta her story is one of hard-work, perseverance and exceptional intellect. Graduating with a Bachelors in Philosophy then continuing into Law School at the University of Alberta where she was recognized as the top student during her studies she was called to the Bar of Alberta in 1969. After practicing law until 1975 she perused academia as an Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia until she was then appointed Chief Justice of the British Columbia Supreme Court in 1988. However her career acceleration didn’t stop as just a year later she was nominated to serve as a judge for the Supreme Court of Canada  in 1989 by Prime Minister, Brian Mulroney and then appointed Chief Justice in 2000 by Prime Minister, Jean Chrétien. Throughout her life she’s been a transcendent formative figure in her profession with over 27 honorary degrees from universities across Canada and other countries throughout the world.

(Canadian Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin PC, Alana Sharpe BA, JD, Human Rights Lawyer, Jerome Downey, BA, Principal, DMF Energy.)

It was a real and sincere honor to meet Justice McLachlin at an Ottawa reception back in 2012 at the University of Ottawa just before leaving to Alberta to continue on my own journey of professional development and growth.I wanted to personally acknowledge Justice McLachlin and wish her well as she retires from the Queen’s Bench. Beverley is a trailblazer for more than her gender, the work she’s done throughout the years has helped shape and make our country what it is today, for me her life long integrity is what’s been most impressive. Yes, she’s Canada’s first female Chief Justice however her decisions, diplomatic and respected judgment will be the legacy that she is remembered for along with the ceiling her appointment broke and the merit of which it was earned.

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An Indigenous Canadian Journey

The Stage 

I’ve lived in 7 cities in the last 6 years pushing to discover and become the best version of myself. Looking inside my new Canadian Passports it shows the place of my birth as Toronto, ON however in my heart and mind it could simply just read Canada. As a child my heart came alive exploring the commons of Halifax playing baseball at the local YMCA,  summer day camp trips at the George Dixon Community Center and great memories on the football gridiron. The thrill of learning and challenging myself academically and athletically in the town of  Sackville, New Brunswick as an adolescence forever changed my life for the better. Then I moved back to Toronto before my passion took me to Ottawa, where I then embarked on a great journey west stopping in Grande Prairie, Edmonton and Fort McMurray Alberta to secure my future and seek opportunity like thousands of other Canadians in the energy sector.


Now as a young man at the age of 30 without an immediate family or independent of my own reflecting back on these travels from east to west, the people that have come in and out of my life the moments of pride, shame, glory and sadness one thing has never faded, the desire to keep learning and becoming better, they say to know where your going you need to know where your from and understanding Canada and what grew from the former Dominion of Canada has been a great motivation of mine, and reason why I’ve enrolled in Cape Brenton University’s innovative new online Mi’kmaq course, to learn more, as Plato told Socrates “Know Theyself”. As an indigenous Mi’kmaq Canadian, who is also a direct decent of a slave, French Canadian and indigenous Jamaican I’ve come full-circle in some respects by landing in the town of St. Catherine’s Ontario. A historic and famous town for many reasons, for me knowing that it was the central hub of Canadian operations for Harriet Tubman during the time of the underground rail road  is enough to give me a sense of pride and belonging, the same pride and belonging feeling  as Canadians we should be extending to Syrian Refugees fleeing a devastating in humane conflict.

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The New Year & Psychological Time

Moving Forward While Being Present 

I’ve officially started referring to conscious popular calender time as Psychological Time (external time), Eckhart Tolle, is considered a contemporary Spiritual Teacher his book “The Power of Now”  has sold over 5 Million Copies and has been translated in 36 languages, I finished it in 3 days and walked away  feeling many of the things he discussed as legitimate, very repetitive but legitimate non-the less.  Continue reading

Western Mission Complete


Photo Credits: Wikipedia

Today is Canada Day, I feel it is very appropriate to deliver this post on the Nations birthday, I feel more nationalistic than ever before. Like many of my peers and friends who live and work in the major urban centers of our country like Toronto, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver and Halifax the focus today is all about uniting under one flag, one country, and one land. It is a time when provincial rivirialies and regionalism is set aside and we celebrate the amazing opportunities, freedom and beauty our country has to offer the world, we are an example of how modern civil society should function,where democracy and liberty reign as the core values of who we are as a people, “True North Strong and Free!”

I left Ottawa, Ontario roughly  a year ago today. I went to discover and understand the depths of the Canadian Energy sector, a business move that turned extremely personal. My work in the office led me into the field, a strategic and rational decision considering the reality of the economic landscape of Ontario. I wanted to know what was so special about Alberta it was a tremendously powerful learning opportunity and I took advantage with the support of my friends, family and loved ones. Living in the Nation’s Capital you really start to feel a sense of Nationalism, and although we are a Civic Nation unlike our American cousins to the south, I wanted to know more about Canada’s deep wealth of energy that was stored beneath the ground, I knew that if I was going to truly become an expert on the topic I should have the necessary credentials, experience, and knowledge to truly understand what is going on and that is why I choose the Trade of Pipefitting, a trade that ranked a respectable 23 out of 50 top jobs in Canada according to Canadian Business Magazine 2013 survey.  I had simple questions such as; are the “Oil Sands” developments in Fort McMurray an evil place of greed, deceit and environmental destruction? Or a wonder of human ingenuity, engineering, and scientific discovery?  The answer is personal depending on your cultural learned values and or perspective but having been on the ground I feel Canada should be extremely proud of it’s responsible energy development. The opportunities that will be available for individuals who take personal responsibility for their own welfare and diversify their labour skill set to enhance their standard of living especially over the next 30 years is incredible.  Alberta is expected to grow from a province of 4M today into 7M+ by 2050, that is still less than the population of the Greater Toronto Area alone, however an incredible influx of people nonetheless which will drive further growth and business in many different sectors.   Continue reading

JFK 50 Years Later: America Remembers

Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” Speech Text

Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” Speech Text



[2] We observe today not a victory

John_F__Kennedy_Wallpaper_by_OckGal of party but a celebration of freedom–symbolizing an end as well as a beginning–signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

[3] The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe–the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

[4] We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans–born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage–and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

[5] Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

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Rules for Dealing with Police

Billy Murphy talks about how to deal with the police. He’s been a judge, but he’s best known as a criminal defence lawyer. He knows how the law works and he knows that for many people the law sometimes doesn’t work. He’s going to show you how to make the law work for you. The choices you make can have a massive impact in the outcomes of your police encounters, even if, and especially if, you’ve done nothing wrong.section-10a

There are lots of good police officers out there doing what needs to be done and there are also few too many cops who don’t respect the basic rights of innocent people. But you don’t get to chose who you’re dealing with. And even the nicest cop will use your mistakes against you. That’s precisely why every citizen must possess the tools to confidently assert their rights if they have to. Continue reading

Canadian Health Report: Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men


Domestic abuse of women has been in the public eye for many years. Many studies have examined its nature and extent, shelters for abused women have been set up, and legislation and police charging policies have evolved in response to the growing appreciation of the extent of the problem. The extent of the comparable issue of domestic abuse of men is not as well known and understood by the general public. However, recent findings have become available that contribute to a better understanding of domestic or intimate partner abuse of men.domestic-violence-300a-090610

Statistics Canada first collected data on intimate partner abuse of both men and women through its 1999 General Social Survey (GSS). Respondents were asked 10 questions concerning abuse by their current and/or previous spouses and common-law partners during the 12-month and 5-year periods preceding the telephone interview.1 According to their responses, almost equal proportions of men and women (7% and 8% respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse (18% and 19% respectively). These findings were consistent with several earlier studies which reported equal rates of abuse by women and men in intimate relationships.2-16

Some scholars suggest that the motives for intimate partner abuse against men by women may differ from those for abuse against women by men,17 and that women suffer more severe injuries than men.18 Nonetheless, the occurrence of abuse by women against men, and its consequences, warrant attention. It is important for the victims of abuse, whether they be men or women, to know that they are not alone –that is, that such experience is not unique to their personal situation. It is also important for the perpetrators of intimate partner abuse – men or women – to recognize that violence in any form is both morally and legally wrong.

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Protecting Youth from Bullying and Cyberbullying

 May 10, 2013

Winnipeg, Manitoba – PMO Office Statment 

The Government of Canada recognizes that bullying and cyberbullying are serious concerns for many Canadian families and communities, and has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of our most vulnerable citizens.

While bullying is not new, cyberbullying or bullying carried out by electronic means is a relatively recent phenomenon. Anyone can be a victim of cyberbullying. As with bullying more generally, young people are the most common targets of this type of behaviour. Bullying and cyberbullying can have a devastating impact on their victims and are particularly harmful to both the welfare and development of child victims.

Protecting our Youth

The Government has undertaken education and awareness, prevention, and, enforcement activities to address the problems of bullying and cyberbullying.

Education and Awareness


  • Through the Healthy Canadians website and Facebook pages, the Government reaches out to Canadians on health issues, including information on bullying and cyberbullying, and tips for bullying prevention and intervention.
  • In February 2013, Facebook posts on bullying were seen by over 500,000 people and shared more than 6,500 times.
  • The Youth Resource Centre provides RCMP officers working in over 5,000 schools across the country with cyberbullying lesson plans to teach youth how to recognize, respond to and prevent cyberbullying behaviour.
  • Piloted in 2011, the Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it Out, Seek Help (WITS) program has RCMP officers in 50 elementary schools and has engaged over 8,800 students to prevent bullying and victimization. The program is run in collaboration with Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNet), the Rock Solid Foundation and University of Victoria researchers.
  • The website is a unique by-youth, for-youth, web-based program that offers resources to youth, parents and educators on issues such as bullying and cyberbullying.
  • GetCyberSafe, the Government of Canada’s public awareness campaign on online safety, has information about cyberbullying that includes how to talk to youth about it, and how to respond to this type of incident.
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