Airbnb Travel Style: Living Moments

Technical Innovation and Response 

Airbnb has started to get a lot of traction and I am a big fan of it so far, for anyone that travels frequently it is a nice alternative to the traditional means of booking hotels, motels etc. I think the great recession of 2008 challenged the world to come up with solutions on how to generate additional income but also on what is most important in life. The soul I think is a global citizen, connected online and offline we all desire love, appreciation, friendship a healthy meal and environment. Out of all the online platforms that has gained traction in this new digital sharing space, I think Airbnb has clearly come out as a leader. Great value, quality price and engineered pleasant experiences with gracious kind host who share your values. Investors are watching this company very closely as a potential public offering might be in the works in the future. 

Airbnb Symbolism 

Below is a pink image I found online that was symbolic of the values of what Airbnb represents, at the top there was an app that allowed me to customize my symbol. Each color and tone selection has different coding and meaning. Mine was Kazan Moment of clarity. A stretch of deep, brave blue reach new horizonsI added the chair to represent the grounded, humble and relaxed nature I like to be in. It is a reminder that even though you travel and might have to move quickly, there is a slow relaxed moment to moment living that should be remembered when taking in different experiences. 

My Wish List 

To keep myself organized while balancing work with travel I decided to integrate both. The ability to host and share my space while also having the ability to use others is fairly cool. I  setup 5 categories to explore and experience.  What would your wish list look like? to explore mine you can click on the image below. You don’t have to look to far anymore because your among a whole community of friends via Airbnb that allow you to choose an exciting new adventure! 

Even The Guardian finds this app irresistible.  




JpegAirBnB -Jerome Wish List

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