Optimism, Pessimism and Fear

Thoughts on Optimism, Pessimism and Fear 

In Will Smith’s 2013 movie After Earth his character distinguishes the difference between Danger and Fear;”Fear is an illusion, Danger is real. ” In physically demanding collision/impact sports the most prevalent characteristic between the great athletes and the average ones is usually the ability to overcome the fear of hurting yourself. Fear directly affects your relationships particularly the one with your sense of self, imagine the difficulty of not being able to trust yourself let alone another person. The level of trust that exist when in a partnership needs to be solid  in order to be successful this foundation is built on integrity, introspection and a healthy dose of self respect.  

[youtube_sc url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awys77H6sYY”]

I’ve always described myself as a realist with the heart of an eternal optimist. There is no doubt that the majority of my life decisions have been led with my heart it is my greatest strength and sometimes exploited weakness. The concept of “learned pessimism” is something I deeply agree with and a skill I’ve learned even though it doesn’t come natural. Optimism and pessimism are two different sides of the same coin, understanding this enables us to better understand and perceive the situations and circumstances we find ourselves in, as a result we learn more about our individual human qualities, would even go so far to say a greater appreciation for life. One of my favorite quotes was said by the entertainment and cultural icon Frank Sinatra, when he said “Confidence is king”.  This Forbes article by Travis Bradberry is a good summary of the characteristics that embody this attitude.  Continue reading

Outwitting the Devil – Napoleon Hill

Removing Fear & Thinking Clear 

Image Source: Shutterstock

Image Source: Shutterstock

The nature and discussion of how to overcome fear is prevalent in many modern day spiritual enlightenment movements.  The idea of conciseness and old saying “mind over matter” has never been more popular or accurate in my opinion. Breaking down the concept of reality conciseness at a quantum level we come to realize that almost everything we think of as solid is really just empty space, the universe itself is considered to be made of over 70% dark matter.  

Removing fear is like exploring dark matter, you know it exist yet it is difficult to understand and easier to just simply ignore. I’ve always enjoyed tackling fears, however only when I was aware of them. When not aware of the roots of fear, negative thoughts and suppress feelings you cultivate a perfect environment for fear to manifest. The following audio book below called Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill is over 70 years old and it contains wisdom and positive teachings that have never been more relevant today.   Continue reading

Feb 4th – 8th Quotes of the Week

On FearOvercoming Obstacles pic

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which youreally stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

On Perserverance 

“Football is like life – it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication and respect for authority.  – Vince Lombardi

On Failure

” Failure after long perseverance is much grander than never to have a striving good enough to be called a failure.”  – George Eliot