Top Documentary: Here Comes The Sun

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha

It has become self-evident in my inner circle and for those around me at work that I have become extremely passionate about the Clean Technology sector. My rational behind this is very simple; it represents a different way of thinking and seeing the world. It represents unity, balance, and sustainability. These are principles that I believe are fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. In my last Top Documentary Selection: There Is No Tomorrow there was a lot of fear and facts used to suggest that our future here on earth was very bleak. The quotes below from friends and family are a sample of first reactions after seeing the video.

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The Demographic Shift

“Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging.”

                       – Joseph Campbell

A lot of people in my social networks have expressed concern over the fact that by the time they are of retirement age they might not have a pension to depend on. I see the governments moves yesterday more as a 25 to 35 year heads up to be prepared for significant changes in the future and to encourage us as a younger demographic to make our decisions and investments accordingly.

The government ride is over

I think its a shame when I hear some of my peers talk about getting a full-time federal government job and they get excited because they think they are “guaranteed” a pension, full-benefits and 6 weeks vacation instead of being excited about the actual work they will be doing. A lot of mid 80’s babies have shielded themselves from the workforce by going into professional fields of focus with a graduate degree. This has been a great strategy for most and has given a lot of people advance opportunities for success.  However in the end experience is the best measure of accomplishment and a lot of young professionals entering into the “real world” will soon see the value in gaining experience over money when it comes to getting hired. Our parents created a system that allowed us to grow up in the most prosperous free and amazing country in the world. The attitude and culture of entitlement we have become accustomed to is not healthy nor deserved.

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The 2012 Canadian Federal Budget

My Budget First Impression

It is good to be young right now!

Photo Credits: Courtesy Financial Post Staff

Looking at this budget at first glance my first response is… wow this is soft! The Conservative government really likes to spend money and as a young professional I am happy to see that they have indicated they are going to spend $2 Billion in innovation with a focus on commercialization. It is very straight forward, very basic and very logical. The most important part of this document for any entrepreneur, business or person between the ages of 18-45 is in Chapter 3. The following is a brief summary of some highlights that are indicated on the website

Political Commentary

A Harsh Beat Down For Environmentalist

From a political policy standpoint there is a direct attack against environmental groups. I have not read for myself but according to sources who have dived deep into the document already Aboriginal Affairs is going to be giving up about 2.7 percent of its budget vs. the 8.9 percent that is suspected Environment Canada is going to have to give up. Clearly those who appose the “Tar Sands” I mean “Oil Sands” this has to be a big kick in the teeth! Continue reading

The Funding Portal & Weekly Highlights

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.”

      – Albert Einstein 

About The Funding Portal

The Funding Portal is an amazing Canadian resource and business  that educates clients on funding opportunities and policy initiatives. I have had the pleasure of meeting the founder and CEO as well as working with several staff on potential projects. They offered very friendly service and more importantly possess the expertise and experience that helps Entrepreneurs navigate the sometimes cloudy world of government funding. The most important and impressive thing about The Funding Portal is how they are organized. The company has created a for profit sustainable business model that is built on value and education.  The future of Canadian business growth and commercialization is in a prosperous and healthy place because of the creation of this portal and network. 

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International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“I was raised to believe that excellence is the best deterrent to racism or sexism.And that’s how I operate my life.
                                                                                                      – Oprah Winfrey

Ottawa, March 21, 2012 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued

the following statement recognizing the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination:

“March 21st marks the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

“As Canadians join with people around the world in marking this day, we should be proud of our country’s success

in fostering a welcoming and peacefully pluralistic society in which citizens of many different backgrounds live together harmoniously.

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Ontario’s Clean Technology Commitment

Ontario is rapidly emerging as an international hub for developing innovative clean tech solutions and delivering them to markets worldwide.

Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act (GEA), passed in 2009, places a priority on establishing Ontario as the North American leader in producing and using clean and renewable sources of energy including wind, water, solar, biomass and biogas power.

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Top Documentary: There’s No Tomorrow

“Energy and persistence conquer all things”.  – Benjamin Franklin

Documentary Summary

This weeks Top Documentary Selection is entitled “There’s No Tomorrow”. It is a half-hour animated documentary about resource depletion, energy and the impossibility of infinite growth on a finite planet.

Inspired by the pro-capitalist cartoons of the 1940s, the film is an introduction to the energy dilemmas facing the world today.

“The average American today has available the energy equivalent of 150 slaves, working 24 hours a day. Materials that store this energy for work are called fuels. Some fuels contain more energy than others. This is called energy density.” Continue reading

The Energy Sector & Clean Tech Ecosystem

What is the Energy Sector ?

The Energy Sector is a category of stocks that relates to producing or supplying energy. This sector includes companies involvedin the exploration and development of oil or gas reserves, oil and gas drilling, or integrated power firms.

Investopedia explains the ‘Energy Sector’

Performance in the sector is largely driven by the supply and demand for worldwide energy. Energy producers will do very well during times of high oil and gas prices, but will earn less when the value of energy drops. Furthermore, this sector is sensitive to political events, which historically have driven changes in the price of oil.

Courtesy of Investopedia.

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International Women’s Day

“It was we, the people; not we, the white male citizens; nor yet we, the male citizens; but we, the whole people, who formed the Union…. Men, their rights and nothing more; women, their rights and nothing less.”

                                  – Susan B. Anthony

International Women’s Day has been observed since in the early 1900’s, a time of great expansion and turbulence in the industrialized world that saw booming population growth and the rise of radical ideologies. Today marks the celebration and continuation of a long tradition of International Women’s Day.  It is a day when people across the world celebrate and recognize the contributions and amazing success of women all across the world. While in the office I have taken a moment to observe my surroundings.

Going back in history it was only in 1929 that Canada passed legislation that officially recognized women as equal persons in the name of the law.  So as a man I take pride in celebrating this amazing day. The political, business, and entrepreneurial strength of women have shaped all our lives especially mine and surely that worthy of at least one day of reflection out of 365. Continue reading

Modern Gender Dynamics & Changing Roles

In recent years have seen an explosion of male joblessness and a steep decline in men’s life prospects that have disrupted the “romantic market” in ways that narrow a marriage-minded woman’s options The Atlantic, November 2011 Cover Story

Click the Image to read the story. All The Single Ladies By: Kate Bolick

The statement above is a bold, honest,and  powerful said with supreme conviction.  And surely this article is empowering for women and maybe even some men who are embracing new roles in society as we continually strive for more fairness and equality.

However in the end this article felt more like a rant without a clear statement. Gender roles and equality is a huge political, legal, and social issue. I am not the best writer nor do I consider myself much of a critic but this is something that is affecting society on a grand scale and deserves thoughtful commentary outside of a 140 character tweet.

Kate decided like many other women to take a different path in life that was liberating and self-fulfilling to her ideology and I commend that. Everyone has a unique situation, circumstance and personality. I don’t believe we should make blanket statements with generalizations about women or men but I will direct my attention and comments to this specific article because she has successfully sparked a great debate.

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