Quiet Space and Reflection

Quiet Space and Reflection 

In my heart I hear the beat of the plains, the vast wild space that enlightened my heart to the possibilities and endless opportunities that live within the open heart. Quite spaces where an individual can reflect on what is most important in life, not business, politics, or a new idea but the relationships that define and help make us who we are. It is almost one full year of quiet spaces and reflection, and the loss of love burns the heart. However more than ever it is important to sink deep into thought to acknowledge and protect the best of what was lost. – Jerome L. Downey, April 2014



Personal Reflections: Western Training


Cory Devoe, is a 25 year old Journeyman Pipefitter, From Newfoundland & Labrador. That I trained with on a project outside Grande Prairie, Alberta with Reed Energy Group.

A new chapter begins 

Life is about making decisions and some are easier than others but all have consequences. The reality of these decisions when unprepared to face them can be emotionally damaging, and lead a person astray.   

“Believe in your vision, and work hard to achieve your dream. Never quit, live with  integrity, unite, don’t divide.” – Lessons From My Grandfather 

When deciding to advance my education it required me to move from my home and love in Ottawa, ON Canada. Unlike many of my peers who choose to advance their education by enrolling in a Masters degree. After 7 years of work experience in the finance and business technology sector, I felt that there was a missing element to my professional development that needed to be addressed. I needed to develop a hard skill, that would compensate well and support my life and small family. Despite my strong academic background and proven abilities the excess supply of undergraduates and limited demand made this a differentiation characteristic I knew would be valuable in the present, and future. 

I have learned project management, procurement, health & safety, engineered drawings, and the importance of financial controls at a ground level, not to mention how to cut, thread, measure, and assemble steel production; this experience has helped balance out my liberal arts, urban, digital perspectives and allowed me to see first hand the true potential of Canadian industry development and the importance of the Build Force Canada initiative. 

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JFK 50 Years Later: America Remembers

Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” Speech Text

Kennedy, “Inaugural Address,” Speech Text



[2] We observe today not a victory

John_F__Kennedy_Wallpaper_by_OckGal of party but a celebration of freedom–symbolizing an end as well as a beginning–signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.

[3] The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe–the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.

[4] We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans–born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage–and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

[5] Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

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A Brotherhood Of Hard Workers


For more information viisit www.boilermakers.org

Sometimes I feel that modern digital technology has made our society forget about the original and real innovators in our time. Understanding the scope and importance of traditional trades is important to the long term stability, strength and integrity of our modern domestic city infrastructures.

Computers assist and aid in productivity of our work  there is zero debate about that, however in the end we need strong men and women to execute and build the things we dream of. Manpower is something that can’t be replaced no matter how much technologist try.

What is a Boilermaker?

Many boilermakers are employed in repairing, repiping, and re-tubing commercial steam and hot water boilers used for heating and domestic hot water in commercial buildings and multi-family dwellings. Sometimes these boilers are referred to as pressure vessels. Generally, a pressure vessel is a storage tank or vessel that has been designed to operate at pressures above 15 p.s.i.g. The two main tasks of boilermakers involve using oxy-acetylene gas torch sets to cut or gouge steel plate and tubes, followed by gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), or gas metal arc welding (GMAW) to attach and mend the cut sections of tubes and steel plates. 

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Funny But Important Political Commentary


I came across  gold the other night,  The Distinguished Gentlemen had me in stitches  I thought it was such a great comedic social political commentary almost to good to believe. I was 7 years old when this movie hit the theatres back in 1992 way to young at the time to appreciate its whit and comedic flare.  However I am happy I can watch it now and don’t have to dig for a VHS or DVD copy.  Thank you Google and YouTube your the best! 


A Florida con man uses the passing of the long time Congressman from his district who he just happens to share a name with, to get elected to his version of paradise, Congress, where the money flows from lobbyists. But soon he learns the nature of the game and decides to fight back the only way he knows how, with a con.


[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNE4_L2rKNk”]

Napoleon Hill – Think And Grow Rich

I had a meeting in Ottawa, ON with my mentor and fellow Mount Allison Alumni Isaac Goodine a few months ago, halfway into our conversation he in-trusted and handed me his personal copy of a book called Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill originally published in 1937. The copy in my hand was a 30th anniversary edition that was re-published in 1967. The book was in frail condition but well intact and over the next few weeks I would begin to learn more about this amazing person who helped inspire a generation to live with more  purpose and conviction in their life.  


Napoleon Hill in Later Years.

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We Become, What We Think.

This was a random and  inspired post that was driven by a need to share a positive message. Messages of floods, criminal activities, political mischief  etc. I find these constant negative messages drain my energy, and through a verity of  mediums, Twitter, Facebook, Google Search, On-line News Publications, not to mention old fashion Television. I figured this could be a nice  switch up and so I created this post . The production and visual content is not the most amazing, however the content and message is more than worthy of a listen.


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Analytica Advisors: Open Letter Canadian Cleantech Sector

Dear Jerome,

Last week the Globe and Mail reported that Mark Carney, in his final speech as Governor of the Bank of Canada, said that faster economic growth will depend on business investment and export growth. He stated that exports should be $130 billion higher now if the trajectory of previous recessions is a guide, and that the central bank expects business investment to remain below average.investment to remain below average.


In the previous Spotlight on Cleantech we discussed the contributions of small and medium-sized enterprises to  as was the case before the disappearance of liquidity during the global financial crisis and the loss of more than 10 years of export gains by SMEs, including rising exports during the appreciation of the Canadian dollar starting in 2003.Canada’s exports. Canadian SMEs have proven that they can deliver $84 billion on non-resources exports annually [i]

Canadian clean technology companies are accomplished exporters, with 48% of industry revenues being derived from exports and 44% of these exports being to countries other than the US.  Estimated exports for the clean technology industry were $5.2 billion in 2011, approximately 9% of 2010 SME non-resources-related exports. We forecast that the industry will deliver between $10.6 and $17.5 billion in exports by 2015, a doubling or tripling of 2011 exports. Continue reading

Rules for Dealing with Police

Billy Murphy talks about how to deal with the police. He’s been a judge, but he’s best known as a criminal defence lawyer. He knows how the law works and he knows that for many people the law sometimes doesn’t work. He’s going to show you how to make the law work for you. The choices you make can have a massive impact in the outcomes of your police encounters, even if, and especially if, you’ve done nothing wrong.section-10a

There are lots of good police officers out there doing what needs to be done and there are also few too many cops who don’t respect the basic rights of innocent people. But you don’t get to chose who you’re dealing with. And even the nicest cop will use your mistakes against you. That’s precisely why every citizen must possess the tools to confidently assert their rights if they have to. Continue reading

Canadian Health Report: Intimate Partner Abuse Against Men


Domestic abuse of women has been in the public eye for many years. Many studies have examined its nature and extent, shelters for abused women have been set up, and legislation and police charging policies have evolved in response to the growing appreciation of the extent of the problem. The extent of the comparable issue of domestic abuse of men is not as well known and understood by the general public. However, recent findings have become available that contribute to a better understanding of domestic or intimate partner abuse of men.domestic-violence-300a-090610

Statistics Canada first collected data on intimate partner abuse of both men and women through its 1999 General Social Survey (GSS). Respondents were asked 10 questions concerning abuse by their current and/or previous spouses and common-law partners during the 12-month and 5-year periods preceding the telephone interview.1 According to their responses, almost equal proportions of men and women (7% and 8% respectively) had been the victims of intimate partner physical and psychological abuse (18% and 19% respectively). These findings were consistent with several earlier studies which reported equal rates of abuse by women and men in intimate relationships.2-16

Some scholars suggest that the motives for intimate partner abuse against men by women may differ from those for abuse against women by men,17 and that women suffer more severe injuries than men.18 Nonetheless, the occurrence of abuse by women against men, and its consequences, warrant attention. It is important for the victims of abuse, whether they be men or women, to know that they are not alone –that is, that such experience is not unique to their personal situation. It is also important for the perpetrators of intimate partner abuse – men or women – to recognize that violence in any form is both morally and legally wrong.

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